This paper analyzes the digital down conversion ( DDC) of wideband reconnaissance receiver IF digital signal based on polyphase filtering. 分析了基于多相滤波结构的宽带侦察接收机中频数字信号下变频处理方法。
High speed ADC, digital down conversion and DDS technology is adopted to compose the digital receiver system. 采用高速ADC、数字下变频DDC和DDS技术构建了以下数字接收系统。
Research on Digital Down Conversion for Wideband Radar Receiver 宽带雷达接收机数字下变频技术研究
Modified digital down-conversion in DAB receiver DAB接收机中改进的数字下变频算法及实现
Digital Down Conversion ( DDC) is one of the key techniques of digital receiver for wideband radar. With the conventional method of implementing DDC, the hardware source of current FPGA can't satisfy the demand of bandwidth and high precision of FIR filter. 数字下变频(DigitalDownConversion,DDC)是宽带雷达中频接收机的关键技术之一,传统DDC实现方法在现有FPGA上无法满足带宽和滤波器精度对硬件资源的要求。
Study on Digital Conversion and Adaptive Equalization Technologies in the Intermediate Frequency Digital Receiver 中频数字化接收机中数字变频与自适应均衡技术研究
Digital down conversion plays a key role in the digitized and software-oriented process of the receiver system. 数字下变频在接收系统的数字化和软件化过程中起到了至关重要的作用。
Digital conversion unit is used Verilog HDL hardware description language through the Quartus II software platform designed, Main sequence detection, A/ D sampling control, CRC checksum function modules, such as Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. 数字变换单元是采用Veriloghdl硬件描述语言通过QuartusⅡ软件平台进行设计的,主要包括序列检测、A/D采样控制、CRC校验和异步收发等功能模块。